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The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 3 (Sessions #3)
The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 3 (Sessions #3) Read online
The Sex Shrink of Seattle
VOL. 3
Kailin Gow
SESSIONS: The Sex Shrink of Seattle Vol. 3
Published by Kailin Gow Books
And theEDGEbooks.com
Copyright © 2014 Kailin Gow
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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First Edition.
Printed in the United States of America.
To UC Irvine, where I was privileged to be a peer counselor and program coordinator for women at the Women’s Center while as an undergraduate and also where I took a bunch of psychology and human sexuality courses for my Social Ecology major. Who knew years from now back then, I would be writing a book about a bad boy Sex Therapist from Seattle who had a thing or two to learn still about women J Enjoy!
Simon Mark Sessions
As I stared out onto the street the world outside my office window seemed different than it ever had before. Yes, I’d been distracted by women and sex many of the times I perused Seattle’s beautiful skyline, but today, all I saw was a bunch of buildings that had owners; successful people who were part of Seattle’s elite.
Glancing over to the left I could see Pike’s Place in the distance, slightly fogged over because of the early hour and the cold of the ocean clashing with the warmth of the city. I really loved this view and it usually made me feel harmony. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about Lina and that amazing day we’d had there. It had been perfect, ideal, really.
Like a sharp slap across the face, a realization hit me that I’d never thought of before. I stared straight across from me and knew that the building there was owned by Bixby Holdings, as well as the building to the right of me. Was that where Ralph’s office was?
I quickly went over to my computer and logged onto the alumni database to find out. Sure enough. Imagine that. Ralph Bixby has been so close to me for so long, enjoying this same great view. It was odd that we’d never run into each other, but maybe…just maybe, he knew more about what I was up to than I had ever realized, or even thought about. He could be the man looking out his office window on occasion, too, taking in the scenes.
Ralph Bixby’s billions to be inherited from his grandfather, were not his yet and he likely had to prove himself in some way, other than taking a wife, in order to claim it. Smart men like his grandfather always had stipulations. That’s how they got to the level of success that they were at. I had never liked Ralph even before this entire situation with Lina, of course, but my disdain for him had grown by leaps and bounds in just one short day. He’d made a conclusion; one which seemed a bit far fetched, and made a series of decisions based off of speculation. I wish that Lina and I had made love; it would have been worth it and he wouldn’t be putting her through an emotional hell for no reason.
I could not relax as I kept dwelling on thoughts of Ralph Bixby, which were particularly annoying when I pictured Lina next to him. So many questions came to mind. Had he seen Lina and me leaving for Pike’s Peak yesterday? Did he have her followed because he didn’t trust her? And, if so, why?
Then there was Lina, oh how Ms. Lina Lee had impacted me. I was drawn to her which freaked me out. It ruined my perception that I was meant to be with many women, not just one. How the hell did Bixby ever get a woman like that? Wealthy or not, she was so far beyond him on every level that it didn’t add up. Why was she with him?
Then there was the sex. Despite everything that had taken place I did feel that Lina did want my help sexually in some way. She was a virgin and willing to give it up to Ralph, a player and very similar to both Matt and I with his desire to enjoy the company of beautiful women, often. We knew him in college. He was a player then; he was a player now. For him to hold back on sex with someone as naturally sexy as Lina was beyond me. There had to be a reason that he was reserved with her, only God knew what it could possibly be. Just being within ten feet of her made me get such a hard-on, you’d think I was some pre-pubescent teenager who’d never had sex.
Those thoughts were all selfish and had to do with my desire to conquer and gain whatever it was I wanted. I’d shared that quality with Matt and although Ralph would never be a part of my inner circle, I think we probably shared that same ability, too. That is what led to the one significant problem about my affections for Lina. It had made a mess of my father’s business affairs, as well as her stepfather’s. It made everything more complicated and it also created challenges about keeping the unique relationship the two of us had secretive. I didn’t want to share her with anyone else in this world and knowing I had to made me feel angry. I didn’t want to play nice. I wanted to destroy Ralph Bixby and would not rest until I did.
And if he wished to play this game over me, my father, Lina, and her stepfather; Bixby will wished he never unleashed the dark side of me…one only my enemies get to see…the part of me known to them as The Eliminator.
Chapter 1
My neck literally ached, a ball of stress having collected there and making me irritable. I didn’t want to talk to anybody or give them an award winning smile. I wasn’t in the mood. All I wanted to do was go and work out with Matt, relieve the stress, and diffuse the pressure that was growing inside of me. If it got to boiling point, Bixby may just get a visit from me or rather, the Eliminator, that he will soon regret. No one who knew me from the dark days when I was angry, lost, and out-of-control; would not want to come across me being in Eliminator mode. Matt was the only person in this world that I could trust to keep my bold, slightly unorthodox methodologies quiet. We had each other’s backs and just as importantly, we understood each other.
“How you doing, man? You look rough,” Matt said, assessing me up and down.
“It’s been a fucking disaster of a past twenty-four hours,” I said gruffly. I went on to explain what happened and Matt’s reaction reiterated that I was not alone in thinking that something was suspicious, messed up.
“Bixby has basically stayed out of the limelight, being on the down low with everything he’s done, whether business or his social life. I get the business. After all, his grandfather was in charge of that and always the family spokesperson. However, he’s a braggadocio son of a bitch and I think that his being secretive about a relationship and holding back on having sex with his fiancé is something worth investigating. Doesn’t add up,” Matt said as he began a set of bench presses.
“Exactly. What, though? I cannot even come up with an educated guess.”
“The mighty sex doctor doesn’t have an answer. Now that is something,” Matt said to me. He gave an abrupt laugh but it wasn’t at me, as much as it was because he was dumbfounded by it all, as well.
“Do you think he’s gay or something?” I asked. It was hopeful and a far reach, but I was willing to throw any possibility out there on the table.
“No, I don’t think that and you don’t, either. That would be too simple,” Matt said.
Matt got up and it was my turn to push out my set of bench presses, I got onto the bench after I added five pounds to each side, wanting to see if I could push the limit and reach a record. My desire to push the limits mentally and physically took over and I whipped out ten strong presses, which made me smile. Then it hit me—a
moment of clarity. “Hey Matt, are you up for doing a little investigative work for me?”
He smiled at me. “What did you have in mind?”
“How about finding out a bit more about the places he hangs out at, where he goes, and who he socializes with. Maybe it’ll lead you to someone who may have some answers that are helpful to me. Are you up for that?” I asked.
“Sounds like fun. I like a good adventure and if it means finding out how a woman like Lina could be with a guy like him, why not,” Matt said. “Of course, I’m not entirely sure that you’re good enough for her, Simon.”
“Funny,” I said. “Well, I just kicked your ass on the bench press. Let’s see what you got there?” Matt shrugged and I added, “As for you, you had better keep your hands off her, too. Got it?”
“I won’t dignify that with an answer. Since when do we share conquests?”
“Lina is not a conquest,” I said.
After the workout and conversation, everything became clearer and focused. I’d have to be patient, which would be tough, but I could do it. I felt confident that Matt would come back with something of interest.
Chapter 2
It had been easier than I ever would have expected to find out who Ralph had previously been spending a great deal of time with. Simon was thrilled that something to start the investigation off of came fairly easily. I was on my way to meet and seduce the beauty Bixby had severed ties with a few short months ago—right around the time that Lina Lee came into his life, to his credit.
I walked into the bar where she was known to hang out. She didn’t know I was coming, but I absolutely knew she was there and that she’d follow me wherever I wanted her to go. I know I sound arrogant, but it had been proven time and again that I could get women to do what I wanted them to…and what they wanted to do to me, too. There was a reason Simon and I were close friends…we were very much alike especially when it came to women.
Wearing my custom dark gray suit, with a silver shirt and tie that complemented the ensemble wonderfully, I perused the room, my eyes landing on a curvaceous, sensual woman who was sitting by the bar, drinking a martini, and playing with the olive on its small pick in her mouth. Lucky olive, I thought. It turned me on to watch it.
“Mind if I take this seat?” I asked, leaning against the bar and looking at her. I noticed that she didn’t look at me directly, but assessed me in the mirror.
“Feel free,” she purred.
“I’m Matt, it’s nice to meet you….”
I stopped talking and she said, “Charma.” She turned to me now and leaned forward just enough, making her beautiful, bountiful breasts press against the bar, revealing cleavage that could render a man speechless. Her tight red dress was a perfect match to her red lipstick. Her long black hair hung straight down her back and her eyes were an enchanting, green and hazel mixed together. She was as exotic as they came and I instantly became fonder of my investigative work for Simon. Damn, that Bixby had a way of getting some lookers. He was either better in bed than anyone could imagine or every woman had a soft spot for a guy with billionaire status attached to his name.
“Charma. That’s unique, as beautiful as you, too, if you don’t mind my saying.”
“Thank you, Matt.”
“My name isn’t quite as unique, is it?” I asked, laughing softly. I could tell that this was a woman who loved sex and variety more than she loved commitment. It showed in her eyes, her body language, and the casual way she welcomed my obvious advances.
“So, how come I have never seen you here before tonight?” she asked.
“I just heard about this place from an acquaintance. Thought I’d try it out,” I said.
“Well, what do you think?”
“The place is okay, but its patrons are certainly better…Charma,” I said. “Can I order you another martini?”
“Sure, if that’s what you’d enjoy most,” she said seductively and suggestively. I ordered a round, having what Charma was having and then got back to the pleasure of her company.
“To get back to your statement about what I’d enjoy most,” I began. “There are many things I enjoy. A fine martini is one of them, but having the honor of sitting next to a woman like you and learning a bit more about you is far more tantalizing.”
“So, you are interested in my brain?” Charma asked me playfully.
“Well, can you blame me for being interested in more? After all, I’m only a man and it isn’t every day I happen to stumble into a woman like you.”
“Only a man, that’s not how I’d described the famous Matt Tonkins.”
“You know who I am?”
“I do,” she said to me. “Of course, when you keep making the list of the most eligible bachelors in Seattle year after year, you tend to get noticed by some women.”
“You don’t strike me as the type of woman who would be impressed with that list.”
“Very astute. I’m not. I think I’m more like you than you might think, Matt.”
“What do you mean?”
“I also enjoy a good work-out.”
“Interested in one right now?” I asked.
“I thought you’d never ask,” she replied, winking at me in a way that gave me the desire to fuck her good and hard.
The bartender walked over. “Another round?”
“No, I’ll pay the tab,” I said.
We walked out of the bar and I pressed my palm on her lower back, feeling the softness of her back. She smelled great, too, kind of like an island beauty. It was tropical, but not playful. Seductive scents of a woman who I had a feeling was very skilled at what she did.
A half hour later we were checking into a gorgeous hotel, one which understood the discretion of its clients, and once we got into the room and the door was locked, it was on. Charma shoved me against the back of the door, unzipped my pants, and reached her long finger-nailed fingers inside. Stroking my hard cock in a steady circular motion with hard and then soft pressure, she nearly had me coming. She leaned in and whispered into my ear, “Not yet, I want to explore this magnificent Matt Tonkins body I’ve heard so much about. See if it’s as perfect as everyone says.” I smiled down at her, glad for her intervention and said, “Explore away.”
She smiled, and I was excited to see a woman who was not afraid to show a wild side that few women had the confidence to express and I was drawn in hook, line, and sinker. I’d taken the bait and I couldn’t wait for her to consume me with whatever she wished to do.
She reached behind her to slowly unzip her slinky dress, moving her hips enticingly like a stripper doing a striptease. My cock grew harder watching her as she slipped it off her delicious body. Her red dress lying on the floor, I stared at her naked body. She’d had nothing on underneath it. Just as I thought she would. Lucky me.
Naked and alluring, wearing nothing but the spiky diamond-crusted sandals she had on, she walked over to me and began to strip me down. We didn’t kiss or anything like that. All we did was explore each other’s bodies, knowing that kissing wouldn’t take us where we wanted to be.
My back pressed against the door of the hotel room, Charma slid down to her knees and took in my giant, hard cock and began to seductively play with it, licking it and then swallowing it whole, making my balls tingle and the hairs on my arms rise. It was more masterful and full of passion than any blow job I’d ever experienced before. She loved cock and I was so happy she was loving mine at that moment. It was clear from her every gesture that she wanted to get fucked hard and go wild, not be cuddled and whispered to like she was a delicate flower.
“Let’s see how long you’ll last, pretty boy,” she said between gulping down my cock. “Since you work out more than anyone, I’d say we can last all night.” Her eyes glistened with excitement, as she attacked my cock more ferociously than before.
She was wilder than any women I’ve ever been with. Her stamina was incredible. She was the queen of the jungle and I was her willing pr
Eventually, I could not take any more, as great as the blow job was. There was no way I was going to come in her mouth and show I had no control. I wanted to insert my erection into her and rock her world the way she’d begun rocking mine.
I carried her over to the bed and set her down on it. My lips began to explore her curvy, alluring body and as her body involuntarily responded to my nibbles and advances, I slowly slid into her, filling her with my massive girth.
“Ohhh,” she moaned. “I love a big cock. Pump me hard, pretty boy.” My body was moving back and forth, fast and then slow, enjoying every slide in and out of her wet pussy. I could tell she was getting ready to explode on my cock and nothing surprised me more than when she reached around with her free hand and wiped her juices with it and slid it into her ass, giving herself an anal orgasm as I gave her one with my cock. Wow, this woman enjoyed sex as much or more than any man I knew.
It was too much to take and a few seconds later, I came so hard that my jaw was clenched and my eyes were squeezed shut, not wanting to waste a bit of the energy that my body demanded to be released anywhere but inside the amazing beauty I’d had the privilege of entering. It was a gift and I was thankful.