The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 3 (Sessions #3) Page 5
Ralph was cut off and Rolanda was looking at me with an incredulous look on her face. “Well, he clearly didn’t have erectile dysfunction problems like he stated, I think, anyway,” she said, trying to recover from the confrontational call.
“Sorry about that, everyone. Some people are so resistant to getting the help they need, or understanding how I can help others. It’s worth the occasional confrontation, though. If I can just help one other person be better, it’s all worth it for me,” I said. I put my head down for a moment, deep in thought, and then looked up as I heard the awes, and then the claps.
Thank you, Ralph. You just handed me a favor, despite you wanting to sabotage me, you fucking asshole, I thought.
Tina couldn’t get to me fast enough when I left the stage. “Simon, you were brilliant, but oh my, this guy has a grunge against you, or so it seems. Any idea who it might be?”
“I have an idea, but it is one that stems from his insecurities, not my improprieties, I assure you, Tina.”
“Oh, good. Otherwise, I might have to call legal just so we can keep ourselves in a favorable position,” she said to me.
“You mean, cover your ass?” I asked with a bemused smile on my face.
“Well, yes, but you understand, don’t you?” she asked me.
“Perfectly. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really must get to the office. I have a busy day of appointments ahead of me,” I said.
“Okay, doll. See you next week, okay? And oh, did you consider doing the extra lecture at the Hawaii convention?” Tina looked at me. She wanted an answer and I hadn’t even thought further about it.
“What was the topic again?” I asked.
“Masturbating and the modern relationship,” she said. She blushed just saying it.
“Oh, that’s right. I’ll tell you what, I’ll do it. I feel horrible for having put you off so long. You don’t deserve that.”
“You’ve never put me off,” Tina said. She realized how her statement could have a double meaning and crimson covered her face. “Well, you have to go. I have to go. Talk later.”
We hugged and she was gone. Then I left, as well. Only when I got into my car where there were no prying eyes to see me, did the emotions of what I felt finally cross my face. Ralph Bixby had just declared war and I was not going to let him win it easily. In fact, I’d do whatever it took to make sure he lose and that included playing unfair to get Lina back if that’s what was required. If he was insecure before, he’d never know what hit him now.
* * *
That night my cellphone rang and it was Tina. It was odd that she’d call me at that time of night so I picked it up. “Tina, hello.”
“Simon,” she yelled excitedly, “you’ll never believe what I’ve just learned!”
“Oh, I bet I will. What is it?” I replied.
“The show this morning. Word of it has went viral and not only were the ratings great for Good Morning Seattle, but the clips also went viral on YouTube. Everyone is talking about it and you’re name has been Googled about 300,000 times. Isn’t that amazing?”
“Yes, yes it is. Sometimes you just never know how the best of plans will end up, do you?” I said.
“No, I guess not,” she replied. I knew she didn’t understand what I meant, but I knew for damn sure that Ralph Bixby was going to find out. I couldn’t wait.
Chapter 9
By morning, I’d had several telephone calls. Some of them I took, some I avoided, and some I wished to avoid but knew I had to take. Namely, my mother’s call. The news that had spread like wildfire about the show yesterday was amazing for my career but likely very bad for my mother’s blood pressure. She was allergic to scandal.
“Simon, I don’t know how to say this and I try not to pry. But I must ask, I just must,” she started.
My mother kept rambling on and I finally cut her off. “Just ask, mother. You cannot offend me,” I said, hoping it would be helpful.
“That show yesterday. Were that vulgar man’s accusations true?” she asked.
I could just picture my mother’s image in my mind, sitting at her small breakfast table, sipping a cup of coffee with a shaky hand, picking up her pastry and then setting it back down, unable to eat it. Completely frazzled. “He didn’t make any accusations, mother. He merely asked some questions that one normally wouldn’t.”
“It sounded like he knew you and about you. His words were horrible. Do you know who he is?”
“No, I don’t, but don’t worry mother, it’s fine. This is actually good for me.”
“Good for you! Simon, how can you say that? Your father and I’s reputation is tied directly to yours,” my mother said.
“You know that isn’t true, mother. And you also know that most people don’t mind what I do in the least; they are rather intrigued by it,” I said.
“Oh, Simon, I know. You’re so frustrating. Why can’t you just be a gynecologist like your cousin, Dominic?”
“He sees things that I do not,” I said. Technically not true, but a little white lie was the best remedy for my mother’s condition.
“Don’t be vulgar with me. This is just very stressful. Your father is very concerned about the business dealings happening right now. I don’t want any additional added to his days,” mother said. I did love how protective she was of my father.
“I know, mother. I don’t want him to have stress any more than you do,” I said.
She was silent and I heard her long nail tapping the receiver of the phone. “I just thought of something. That caller, he doesn’t have anything to do with what’s happening with the Tennebaum deals, does he?”
My mother was astute, I had to hand it to her. “I really cannot say for certain, mother, but we’ll figure it all out. I’m already working on it.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that I want to find out who this person is in case they defame my character further,” I replied.
“Oh, okay then. Well, Simon, I must go. It’s time for my tai chi class,” she said to me.
“Have fun, mother. I love you,” I said.
“I love you, too, Simon,” she said, sighing like I was impossible. Then she hung up.
I glanced over at the clock and it was time for me to get over to the club. I was running late and Matt and I were going to be working out together. His take on the television show should be particularly interesting. I’m sure he heard about it, if not seen it. My hunch was confirmed when I met him in the weight room. He had a smug smile on his face and was seriously trying to hold back his laughter. We hadn’t even talked yet.
“Well, if it isn’t the king of the confrontational phone call,” Matt said to me.
“Did you hear it?” I asked.
“I watched and heard it. You did good, man. Only saw your jaw twitch once. Who do you think that was?”
“Probably who you think it was. I’m positive it was Ralph Bixby, that son of a bitch. He’s gone too far, even if it did have some amazing results,” I said.
“What do you mean?” Matt asked.
“The ratings for the show were off the charts and it went viral, too. All sorts of good things,” I said.
“So, Bixby wanted to destroy you and instead, he built up the legend even further,” Matt said.
“I know. It’s good for him,” I said.
“Just be careful, Simon. He’s a serious player aside from being a douche bag. You can’t just assume he’ll give up easily. If he has it in for you, something is likely to go wrong,” Matt said.
“Maybe, but if I stay alert and on top of my game, I can’t see anything too detrimental happening. Eventually, he’ll give up and move on to his next twisted little game. That’s the type of guy he is and nothing is going to change that,” I said.
“Not even Lina Lee?” Matt asked me.
“Not even,” I replied confidently.
“Now, let’s get working. I have a crazy day,” I said.
Matt had never o
nce asked me about what I did exactly with my clients and I’d definitely appreciated that, but at that moment, I could see he had some questions and was curious. That was the downside to Bixby’s little stunt. I didn’t welcome people wanting to ask me questions that I felt were off limits, even for my best friend. It was in everyone’s best interests and truly a matter of client confidentiality.
“What first?” Matt asked but his eyes trailed off to his right.
I looked to see what he was looking at and couldn’t help but notice them immediately. And by “them,” I meant big, beautiful bountiful breasts. They were easily DD and stuck out all the further because they were firmly attached to two thin, muscular bodies. Wow!
“Man, I wish I would have become a plastic surgeon,” Matt said, almost drooling.
“They know what they’ve got and they’re not afraid to flaunt it,” I said, staring at them and not looking at Matt.
The two girls were staring at us and I could tell they wanted us to come over and say hello. I wanted to, but it wasn’t the time. I really did need my workout. Maybe after. It had been a long time since Matt and I had hooked up with friends. Those two would be a fun adventure. I could see it in their eyes.
“Okay, back to exercising before we get so distracted that we hurt ourselves,” I said, laughing.
“Such control. What a professional,” Matt said to me, mocking me in a way that only a brother could do effectively.
“That’s me. Constantly on the top of my game, sticking to the plan,” I said.
We warmed up and then started our Tabitha cycles. When Matt was going, I watching the heart shaped ass of the girls, wondering what it would be like to grab their hips and take them from behind. When I was doing my cycle, Matt was all eyes, too.
After twenty minutes, Matt said, “Hey, I’m going to go say hello. It’s only fitting since I am the owner of the club, you know.”
“Of course.” I started laughing. “Have fun, buddy.”
Matt was gone and I was there to finish up my workout. It felt good to keep going and pushing my limits, recharging my thoughts and strengthening my body. Although I was a therapist, I relied on my body being at its best to do what I did. I loved it and didn’t want to lose my clout by losing my physique. Of course, according to Lina, I should be able to help women regardless of my shape. Why did I think of her? Stop!
During a set of curls I noticed someone standing against the doorframe of the weight room through a reflection in the mirror. They were looking my way but not directly. I could tell. I brushed it off and then noticed it was still happening a minute or two later. That’s when I decided to look at them directly. Wait…was that Bixby?
My temper immediately rose and I wasn’t sure how to respond. Was he following me? I began to walk over to the guy, figuring that it was best to have this confrontation and get it over with. That’s when the guy noticed me and turned around. I kept walking, eager to catch up to him and with each step he took away from me, I became more certain that it was Bixby.
The guy veered into the locker room and I went in right after him. He walked to the lockers on the back side of it and set down a towel. I went up behind him and reached for his shoulder and forced him to turn around.
There was a very surprised look on the man’s face, and mine, too! It wasn’t Bixby, just some guy who kind of looked like him.
“Yes,” the guy said cautiously, stepping away from me.
I did look like the maniac in this situation. “Sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
“Well, okay then.” The guy stared at me and I shook my head and walked away.
What was happening to me? It was unacceptable to let Ralph Bixby get to me so much. And equally so, it was ridiculous that Lina Lee was able to remain under my skin, impacting me in such a profound way. In my anger yesterday, I said that I’d stop at nothing to get her and if Bixby was going to try and bring me down in a bold, public way, I’d do what I could to ensure that Lina was leaving him at the same time, hopefully running into my arms. My possessive nature of her made no sense. It wasn’t like I wanted to settle down and get married. In which case, why be so focused on the woman? I didn’t understand my own actions, which was clearly unchartered territory for me.
I went to my locker and slammed my fist on the door. It echoed throughout the locker room and a lone elderly guy in the corner looked at me oddly. “One of those days, huh?”
“Yeah, you could say that,” I replied. Then I opened up my locker, got my things out to shower, and hoped that a hot shower would help relieve the uncertainty that was living rent free in my mind, like a squatter.
A half hour later, I was leaving the club and when I got to my car, I decided to give Lina a call. I had no idea if she’d be with him or not, but I wanted to talk with her.
“Hey, I was wondering if you were free for lunch today?” I asked.
“Simon, oh, sorry, not today. I’m in the middle of midterms and a paper. It’s going to be a crazy week. Then I have to fly out to LA for an audition. Sorry.”
“That’s okay. Maybe next week then,” I said.
“Sure, maybe,” she said hesitantly.
She was nervous to be around me. Was it because she didn’t trust me, or herself? Maybe it was a fear of Bixby. That would certainly be logical, too. Well, with no hopes of seeing Lina today, I decided to call my favorite masseuse and see if she was available for a massage session today. My favorite thing about her was that she was a master at relaxing all my muscles. I needed to relax, too.
Chapter 10
Two days passed by quickly enough after the fake Bixby sighting. Thankfully, my mind had calmed down and I felt more focused. Today Gloria would be coming in for her second appointment and I was eager to see what she was like during session number two. Would she require the same thing she did last time? Of course, I’d agree because I had to assess where she was at and understand her rhythm. That could take a long time, at least five or six sessions. Then we’d be able to target a plan to get her past her addiction. Some may have questioned my approach, but it wasn’t theirs to worry about.
“Ms. Sanz is here,” Brandi said.
“Thank you, Brandi. Send her in,” I said. I hung up the telephone and stood up, turning around to look out my office window. I intentionally averted looking at Bixby’s building and my eyes drifted toward the market, a considerably more pleasant view, in my opinion.
“Simon, hello,” Gloria said. Her voice was calm but hints of excitement were present in it.
“Gloria, hello,” I said, turning around. My eyes just about popped out of my head. She certainly didn’t waste any time. She was stripping down, which was easy to do because she was wearing a wrap dress with a single tie. All that was left were her thong panties and bra.
“How have you been the past few days?” I asked as I walked over toward her.
“Not very good. It’s been worse than ever, my appetite cannot be satisfied,” she said to me, licking her lips and staring at my crotch.
“That’s too bad to hear. I promise you. We’ll get to the bottom of this,” I said, putting my hand on her shoulder.
She looked at me and fire flashed in her eyes. She said, “Get undressed.”
It was an order and I didn’t mind listening to it, so long as she didn’t squeeze my balls again like she’d done last time. That had not been pleasant. I slid my pants down and sat down. She knelt down in front of me and stroked my unit a few times to get it semi-hard and then she slid it into her mouth. Within seconds, I had a full erection and she was completely absorbed in her performance and appreciation of my cock. And I was enjoying myself immensely.
My eyes were closed and I was taking in the pleasure of her warm mouth on me and I heard a slight vibrating sound. Then, to my great disappointment, Gloria’s lips parted from on my penis and she said, “Oh, I have a phone call.”
What? Was she waiting for one? I had no idea and I opened my eyes as I watched her press the accept button and say,
“Hello….yes…okay.” She had a wicked grin on her face and then she looked at me and said, “It’s for you.”
I had no idea why somebody would call for me from Gloria’s phone. She handed me the phone and I tried to adjust to what was happening. How crazy. Finally, I took it, not sure what to do. There was no protocol for this situation. “Hello,” I said apprehensively. Then Gloria immediately went on my cock again, starting to move fast and aggressively, which forced me to squirm and my heart rate quickened.
There was no sound and I almost hung up, but I managed to say, “Hello, Dr. Session here. Who is this?”
A familiar male voice came through the phone. My body tensed and it wasn’t because I was about to release. It was because it made me want to punch right through the phone. He said, “Hello, Simon.”