The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 3 (Sessions #3) Page 4
“Oh, of course,” she said. She stared at me, waiting for me to take the lead.
“What is it that you’d like me to help you with?” I asked.
“I have this addiction that I just can’t conquer. It’s really impacting my life, but I can’t stop. I don’t know what to do,” she said.
“Addictions can feel that way,” I said, “but there is good news. They can be conquered. It isn’t always easy, but it is not impossible, either.”
“Really?” she asked. Her eyes were lowered, rather demurely, and she looked up at me. Her bright red lips were slightly parted and she softly bit down on her lower lip with her teeth. She was good at it, too, because there was no trace of red lipstick on her tooth after doing so. I definitely knew that took some skills.
“Why don’t you tell me what your problem is, Gloria?” I said, turning toward her and giving her an encouraging smile.
“I want to get over an unhealthy relationship, one that is not good for me. It encourages my problem instead of helping me solve it,” she said in a breathy voice.
“Bad relationships are no good. What, exactly, is stopping you from severing it?” I had low patience for people who took so long to get to the point. They may be paying me, but my time was valuable.
“I think it’s easier to show you, not tell you…if you don’t mind,” she said.
She had my attention. “Whatever is best for you,” I said. In the back of my mind, Lina’s belief that as a man I couldn’t help a woman with a serious issue came to mind. I felt like this might be a very challenging issue and I felt a deep desire to prove Lina wrong. I could help this woman and I was an outstanding therapist, for both emotional and physical problems.
I watched as Gloria stood up and turned around to face me. She was wearing a jade colored silk wrap blouse to go with that black straight line pencil skirt that showed her muscular, sexy thighs. She started to strip down with all the mastery of someone who made their living doing it, maybe she did, and I watched the show. I was going to like helping this woman with her addiction, whatever it was.
Shortly later, I was staring at a naked woman that could have been a Penthouse centerfold. She was walking toward me with come hither eyes. Instinctually, I sat straight on the couch with my back pressed against the back of it. She put one of her long legs on each side of me and began to give me a lap dance, facing me like I’d never seen before. Her body moved like a cobra’s that was being charmed and I was completely enchanted, enjoying the show. Hands off! That’s what I reminded myself.
Then she turned around and continued on, touching her beautiful breasts and making her nipples get hard. They weren’t the only thing getting hard. Shit, she was a pro. This didn’t seem like such a bad addiction—so far.
Suddenly her long fingers were on me, caressing my chest and rubbing my shoulders. She started to take my shirt off and then my t-shirt that was underneath. She slid my slacks off and caressed my thighs as she did it, tossing them casually next to us on the couch.
“Mmmm,” she purred. “I haven’t seen such a perfect body in a long time. It’s amazing.”
I smiled. “Thank you,” I said, somewhat amused by the timing of the compliment.
Then her hands slid down my chest and her palm was on my balls. Ugh! It felt incredible. Only for a second. Then she squeezed them so hard that I almost bit my lip off. “Hey!” I protested. I pushed her away and she nearly toppled over backward. Damn, that hurt. What the hell!
My response didn’t intimate her or startle her. She came toward me again and pushed me back on the sofa, matching my aggression and showing that she was going to come in whether I liked it or not. Part of me was freaked. What if she did something like that again? Another part of me was so turned on by her kinky, aggressive nature. Maybe Gloria was a BDSM chick.
Gloria dropped to her knees and removed my boxers, tossing them casually behind her while she took my entire hard-on into her mouth. Yeah, I was definitely turned on by this aggressive woman, a woman who knew what she wanted and…oh yes…she was going to take it.
Her lips slid down on my shaft and she took me all in. She moved slowly and softly, then more aggressively. There was no pattern, per say, but she seemed to know exactly when to change pace to keep me anticipating what was to come and definitely wanting more. I found my hips moving forward and my head went back. My eyes were rolling in my head, trying to figure out how to process this unexpected start to my day. I’d masturbated that morning in the shower, but I found that I was needed a release again. This was fucking amazing.
Some unwelcomed voice of reason took over. “Stop, Gloria. You seem very uninhibited. What is your concern?”
She stopped sucking me and looked up at me with eyes that seemed to expose her soul. She was panting and it made her chest move up and down in a very tantalizing way. “This,” she answered simply.
“What?” I asked.
“This,” she said, holding my dick firmly in her one hand and pointing to it with the other. “I just can’t stop. I need it so badly and I need it every day—a lot, Simon.”
Before I could respond, she went down on me again. It wasn’t the time for the conversation, I justified. It was time to give her what she needed. We could work on her therapy from there, although it seemed like it would be a disservice to all of mankind.
I couldn’t hold back my groaning and I was aware that it was louder than what I might usually do, but I was in bliss and not ready to end it. Then, my cock made the decision for me and I released it.
“Wow,” I said. “Gloria.” That was all I got out. She wasn’t ready to stop. She swallowed my release and continued on, more aggressively and passionately. I wouldn’t have thought it was possible.
One hour passed, then two, and then three, and finally it was four hours. I couldn’t take any more and it was a small miracle that my dick wasn’t completely raw but it was tired and getting very sensitive. I’d never thought Gloria’s skill level was even possible, much less her endurance. A+. I was amazed. But wait…I had to help her overcome this. I could see how it would be an impediment in her life, particularly if she never took time to receive gratification. “Stop, Gloria,” I said. My head was spinning so badly that I didn’t even sound like myself.
She looked and me and pouted, then her face became rather matter-of-fact. “Boy, I’m hungry,” she said. “It’s lunch time.” She got up and started to get dressed, leaving me rather speechless. I just watched that beautiful body cover itself back up.
Then Gloria looked at me. “I’ve got to run, but can you help me, Simon?”
“I’ll try, Gloria. I’ll confess, I’ve never treated someone with this problem before. You’d be the first person, but I believe I can help you. I recommend twice a week sessions, for starters. Does that work?”
“It does,” she said, tossing me a casual smile.
“Okay,” she said. Then she walked out the door without so much as another word.
I got dressed and shook my head, trying to process the crazy morning. Brandi hadn’t interrupted me but I knew that I’d missed an appointment due to Gloria. It was worth it. I was disheveled and couldn’t walk out into the lobby to talk to Brandi. I picked up the phone and called Brandi. “Make sure to schedule Ms. Sanz in for two sessions a week.”
“How long?”
“We’d better go for three hours,” I said. You just never knew how hard of a day she’d have, or how hard of a day I might as a result. “Oh, and bring me some ice.”
Chapter 8
My appearances on Good Morning Seattle, which were weekly, always made for an interesting day for me. I adored the way the women in the audience gushed at me and although I wasn’t truly a fan of having to talk with men about sexual issues, I’d embraced it well enough. My agent Tina had insisted on it. I’d been resistant at first, but had to admit that she was right. It had made a positive impact on my image and men were finally seeing that the services I offered were beneficial to them, too. They didn�
�t need to be jealous, even if they weren’t physically appealing in the way that I was.
I walked onto the set and was immediately greeted by makeup, some stage hands, and Tina. “Darling, you’re more gorgeous every time I see you,” she gushed.
“As you are. But don’t tease me, you’ll break my heart, Tina,” I said.
“Simon, you’re too much,” she said. She waved her hand in the air, trying to blow it off but she responded in her usual way—flushed cheeks and giggles. “I gave instructions to the screener to make sure one man gets through. So, you should have a female caller and then a male caller second. Okay?”
“Sounds good,” I said.
“Alright, do your magic, Simon,” Tina said to me.
I put my hand on the small of her back and said, “Will do.” I could feel her shiver at my touch. It was teasing to do such things, I supposed, but I couldn’t resist it. Plus, I had to revert back to the old me, the pre-Lina me that used my charm freely to get the responses I desired.
Rolanda was guest hosting this morning. It wasn’t often that she did, but every time I saw her I couldn’t help but smile, recalling our rather adventurous night we’d had. It had been about a year ago, but it was memorable. That was quite the compliment to her. Gloria, with her blowjob addiction, had trumped her for being memorable, though. Ah Gloria…my most intriguing case.
I waited for my cue and walked out onto stage, smiling at everyone in the audience and waving, making sure that each and every one of the ladies in that audience felt like they had an intimate connection with me—that they were the only one I saw. That was a basic fundamental of building up a celebrity status and not to brag about it too much, but I was rather good at it, most adept in the art of persuasion and drawing people in.
After the whistles and shouts from my fans settled down, Rolanda looked at me with a wicked grin and said, “It’s nice to see you again, Dr. Session. You’re looking wonderful.” Then she turned to the crowd. “Isn’t he?”
There were more shouts of approval and after they calmed down, I said, “Thank you, Rolanda. And, as always, you look positively radiant.”
“Ever the charmer,” Rolanda said. “But it’s time to get serious. First, I want to put you on the spot and see what you say about the rumor that’s been circulating around about you.”
“What rumor is that?” I asked cautiously. I honestly had no idea what she was talking about.
“That Lina Lee’s play was inspired by you,” Rolanda said.
She didn’t take her eyes off me and I didn’t take mine off her. Inside, I was thinking quickly, though, and seeking out an ideal response. “I’m not the only sex therapist in the world,” I said playfully, “but it’s kind of you to think so.” There. A perfect non-answer.
“You’ve never met her before? She lives here in Seattle,” Rolanda continued.
“Yes, I’ve met her and we’ve talked, but she hardly came to me to consult me about her play. I did see it, though, and I was amused by it, by her perspective,” I said.
“Mmm…mmm, I bet you were,” Rolanda said, shaking her head slightly. “Well, we have two callers on the line waiting to talk with you, Dr. Session. Let’s go to the first caller if you are ready.”
“I’m always ready,” I said. I enjoyed the double talk that made women giggle and their imaginations go wild.
“Hi caller, Dr. Session is right here, and he’s ready to hear your question,” Rolanda said.
A soft voice came over the speaker system. “Hi, thank you,” she said. “Dr. Session, I was wondering if it’s possible to keep a man if you don’t want to give him oral sex.”
For obvious reasons, an image of Gloria fleeted through my mind before I answered. “Well, it depends on the man, I’d suppose. You see, some men feel that is essential for a healthy relationship and others do not. It’s something that needs to be discussed with your partner. Your sexual relationship is an important part of your connection with each other.”
“Would you ever be with a woman who wouldn’t give you oral sex?” she asked me.
Callers certainly loved to ask me questions about my sex life; even though it hardly correlated to their concerns about their own. “I don’t think I can answer that because I haven’t met the one I’m meant to settle down with yet. However, I’d likely have to give it some serious thought when that time came. And her, too. She’d have to decide what her goals and comfort zone were in regards to oral sex. It’s a two way street.”
“I hope I pass by you on that street,” someone yelled out.
I looked out toward the direction of the voice and smiled, but didn’t acknowledge their shout out. “Does that answer your question, caller?”
There was a pause and then she said, “It helps. Thank you.”
“And thank you for calling in. It sounds like it might be time to use your mouth for a conversation about your desires.”
“That’s scary, but true. Wish me luck,” she said to me.
“You don’t need luck, you have advice that will work. You’ll be fine. I just know it,” I said. Then the caller was gone.
Rolanda smiled at me and then looked to the audience. “If all men were as compassionate as this one, we’d all be in heaven, wouldn’t we ladies?”
Various forms of yes were called out.
“Most men can find their way there. We just need a little nudge sometimes,” I said.
“You always give us such hope, Dr. Session,” Rolanda said. “It’s time for our next caller. Caller, are you there?”
“Yeah, I’m here,” a rather gruff male voice said. “About time. I was waiting a long time.”
“Sorry about that, the screener should have informed you,” Rolanda said, looking at me and then the audience, raising her eye brows.
This guy sounded like a jerk and his voice sounded familiar, too. A sense of uneasiness automatically set in.
“What’s your question for Dr. Seession?” Rolanda asked.
“Doctor,” the caller said. They snorted and then continued. “Dr. Session, I’m wondering what type of therapy you really offer clients. And why all your clients seem to be women.” The voice of the caller was very accusatory and the second I heard it, I absolutely knew without a doubt that it was Ralph Bixby and the little prick was trying to trap me on live TV.
“I accept male clients but very few men really feel the need to connect with me to get advice on their sexual relationships,” I said.
“Did you ever think that you intimidate the hell out of men because you obviously use your good looks and charm to appeal to women? You act like a snake,” the caller said.
I could feel the heat on my neck rising and this jerk was getting to me, but I had to be the master of this situation. I could not show it. “Underlying insecurities are certainly common in both women and men. Women tend to reach the breaking point sooner, the point where they want to get the help they need to get over their situation. Intimacy is a huge part of our lives.”
I looked at the audience and they were more silent than I’d ever seen before. You literally could have heard someone breath if they decided to stop holding their breath in eager anticipation. Of course, I could only see the front row, but the women and few men that were there had their mouths open, completely entranced in this exchange.
“Have you ever slept with or been tempted to sleep with one of your clients?” he asked.
“I am here to answer questions to help you, not divulge the confidentiality of my clients’ situations,” I countered.
“I’ll take that avoidance to answer as a yes,” Bixby spat out. I swear, if he was right in front of me I would have flattened his smug face out in a swift, single jab to his snout.
“All of my clients require different approaches to therapy and it is up to me, as a professional, to help find the one that will work for them. Is my specialty unique? Absolutely, but everything that I do is for my clients’ wellbeing and healing.”
“Do you really think everybody buys
your line, Dr. Session? I hope not because guys like me see right through your act. We know that you are out for one thing only—sex. You’re like a gigolo with a therapist’s license.”
I tried to say something, but Ralph clearly wanted to get everything he had to say off his undefined chest. I just let him vent because it would give me time to come out of the conversation the victor.
“So Doctor, if a beautiful virgin like Lina Lee walked into your office, you wouldn’t sleep with her, or at least be tempted to?”
“How would you know if Lina Lee is a virgin or not?” I asked. I couldn’t resist.
There was only a moment of silence and then just as he was ready to start talking again, I saw the red light flashing. It was time to go to commercial. My segment was done, thankfully.