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Frost Fire (Frost Series #6) Page 4

  Good old Alistair, Rose thought proudly. He isn't afraid of anything, is he?

  But soon the dance, too, came to an end, as the great clock on the wall began to strike in somber tones. Without the suns, the fairies could not tell the difference between night and day, say for the faint light of the moons; only the clock could tell them when an hour or more had passed. And now the clock was striking midnight – a midnight that looked like morning, and presaged a dawn that would look like dusk.

  The guests all got up, preparing to leave. But as they headed towards the exit, the doors burst open, clanging against the stone walls. A withered, ancient-looking fairy stumbled forth, his face yellow and jaundiced, covered in sores. The palace fairies instinctively recoiled. Was this an enemy, they asked themselves? A pixie? A curse?

  “Help us...” croaked the fairy, wheezing as he spoke. “Help us, please. Our Queen...”

  Breena rushed to his aid, followed quickly by Kian. “What is it?” she asked. “What's happened to you?”

  “The crops are dying without sun...” the fairy was shaking. “We have no food. No drink. And without magic, we grow ill. Our immortality abandons us – we begin to age. To grow sick. There are so many more like me – but I volunteered. Volunteered to make the trek to find seek your help...O Noble Queen! O Fine King! You must save us...” His trembling grew more violent. “Oh, save your Feyland! Save it before we all starve and sicken and wither....”

  His coughing grew worse and then stopped; he was silent. It took Breena and Kian a few moments to realize that he was dead. A chilling silence fell over the room. Breena dropped to her knees, compassion and agony in her face. “You are all dismissed,” her clear voice rang through the room. “All except Logan and those who seek to follow him.” Rodney and Rose looked at each other. “That means us,” Rodney whispered.

  Breena made eye contact with one attendant. “Please,” she whispered. “Give him a good burial.” The servants sped the body away, their eyes downcast.

  “We have to do something,” Breena said as Rodney, Rose, Shasta, and Alistair approached. “We can't let them win – we can't let the darkness win...”

  “We're thinking too much,” Kian said. “Planning – the time for planning has passed. It is time for you to go forth, to find this Sorceress....”

  “And cut her miserable throat!” Shasta exclaimed.

  “Then the place to start is the Kingdom of the Dead,” said Alistair. “It's the closest thing we have to a lead.”

  “I've been there,” said Breena solemnly. “It's not a place I would willingly return to – not unless Feyland's fate depended on it. You don't just confront the Dead, there – you confront your own demons. Your fears. Things you thought you'd buried deep down long ago.” She shuddered at her memories.

  “Can you tell us how to get there?” Logan asked.

  “If you're sure...” Breena faltered. “The road will be long, will be difficult. You'll see things you'll wish you had never seen...”

  “It's worth it,” Logan said. “If it means saving Feyland. Are we all in.”

  Shasta and Rodney only hesitated for a moment. “All in!” They cried in unison.

  “All in,” Alistair and Rose echoed.

  “No, Rose,” Rodney began. “Little sister – it's not should stay here with Breena. Do what you can – research in the library.”

  Poor Rodney, Rose thought. He still thought of her as a little girl – to be protected. Didn't he realize that Feyland needed a heck of a lot more protection than she did right now?

  “I'm not a child anymore, Rodney,” Rose whispered, slipping her hand into his. “It's time for me to take responsibility for my actions – and for Feyland. I contributed to this mess; I'm sure as heck going to solve it.”

  “'s agreed.” Rodney looked down. “We set off for the Kingdom of the Dead today.”

  “Agreed,” said Logan.

  Breena nodded. “I'll go draw you a map,” she said. “I'll show you how to get to the mountain I jumped might be the only way to get to the Kingdom of the Dead without, you know, dying.”

  They all looked at each other nervously.

  The dangers were only just beginning.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning was marked by the harsh striking of the clock in the Great Hall: six even rings meant that, had the suns remained, it would now be dawn. Rose clambered from her bed, rubbing the last sweet nectar-drops of sleep from her eyes, and gathered together with the others in the courtyard before the keep. Breena and Kian were already dressed, standing together next to a lit torch that illuminated their faces with only the slightest hint of shadow. Even at this hour, Rose thought, they looked elegant and royal – somehow Breena’s Summer magic, in addition to its more pragmatic uses, also seemed to keep her looking fresh and beautiful even under pressure. She radiated with magic; Kian radiated with it too, so that it almost looked as if, if Rose squinted, he was surrounded by a pale blue flame – the palpable manifestation of his magic. Shasta was among the first to arrive – evidently more eager even than the rest of them to prove herself on this mission. Her armor was impeccably polished, and the rings around her eyes suggested that she had not slept, as the rest of them had, but rather spent the entirety of the night cleaning it until it sparkled.

  “We wanted to see you off,” said Breena as Logan and Rodney entered. Alistair walked in behind them. Now we're all here, Rose thought – the five who were embarking upon this quest together. “To say goodbye. To wish you the best of luck.” Breena smiled sadly. “I wish I could be going with you on this journey. Believe me when I say that my spirit and my heart will go with you, even if my body must remain here. I will think of you every day, and do what I can…” Her voice faltered. “I know my duty is here. But with you, you carry the glory and honor of Feyland.”

  Rose noticed that she was holding a great, shimmering sword. It glimmered in the firelight as she raised it slightly. “Kneel,” she said softly, giving the group not a command but rather an invitation. “Kian and I were reading history books of Feyland last night,” she said. “We couldn’t sleep. And in one book we found an account of how the greatest heroes of Feyland were officially knighted, granted the status of Knight of the Realm. Officially, of course, we need the full Cabinet present in the Great Hall, but under these extraordinary circumstances I think we can afford to be a bit unconventional, don’t you?”

  She turned to Kian, who kissed her lightly and lovingly on the forehead. He nodded.

  “Then, by my power and office as the Queen of All Feyland, I name you, Logan, not only Wolf Prince, Red Wolf, but also Knight of all Feyland, one honor among so many, I am sure, but yet an honor you richly deserve.” She tapped him lightly on the shoulder with the sword. She stepped over to Rodney.

  “Rodney, you have been a great soldier always, but henceforth you will be Sir Rodney, your honor in the world rising with the honor you have displayed. By the power and office I hold as Queen of Feyland, I name you, Rodney, Knight of the Realm.”

  Rose beamed with pride. Even in this darkness she could see her brother’s face blush crimson. Good old Rodney, Rose thought. He deserved all the accolades he got – a more courageous, brave soldier she had never known.

  Rose couldn’t suppress a smile, either, when Breena did the same to Alistair. Alistair had been handsome enough at their last meeting five years ago, but now he looked more like a brave and chivalrous knight than ever – and Rose could easily imagine him wearing the scarlet coat-of-arms of a Feyland knight.

  And then Breena turned to Rose. She gaped in surprise as Breena approached her, smiling. Rodney, Rose could understand – he had been in service for a long time – but her? A Knight of Feyland? Could Breena really be interested in granting this honor to Rose? Why, just a few months ago I was but a student of alchemy in the palace court? I don't deserve this!

  “You have done much, Rose,” said Breena, as if she had heard Rose's mental objections. �
��You have served Feyland well. When I knight you, know that you have the honor of being the youngest knight ever honored thus in Feyland. I name you, Rose, by the power and office as the Queen of All Feyland…”

  Rose's cheeks were even brighter than Rodney’s. She wanted to stutter out a thank-you, but she found that she had no words. Did Breena really think that she could be like the great Knights of old? Rose wanted to protest, but instead she felt a new courage growing within her. Breena’s faith in her gave her courage in herself – why couldn’t she work hard? Display bravery? Save Feyland from this new pestilence – if the knights of the old days could do it, why not her, too?

  “A Knight of Feyland,” Breena finished, and Rose felt the cool metal of the sword against her shoulder. Suddenly she was not just plain, ordinary Rose but the Lady Rose, a Knight of the Realm. A hero just like the heroes she had read about in story-books.

  “I won’t let you down, Breena,” Rose said, beaming with pride. “Nor you, Kian,” She turned to him. “I promise, I’ll do whatever it takes to get those suns back, no matter what I have to do.”

  Breena smiled at her. Kian whispered something in her ear and her smile grew wider. Then Breena moved to the last member of the group.

  “Your turn, Shasta…” Breena turned to Kian’s sister. She handed the sword silently to Kian.

  “I think it’s best if I do this one,” said Kian, smiling at Shasta. “After all, you’re still my kid sister.”

  “No…” whispered Shasta. She rose. “Please, not for me.”

  “Shasta,” Kian began, “You cannot punish yourself forever. Your actions may have been grave, but your victory upon the battlefield, the many sacrifices you have made, our faith in you – these things cannot go unheralded or unhonored. You deserve a title, Shasta. All of you do.”

  “Not yet,” Shasta responded. “Maybe one day – one day I will be worthy again of that title. But I have to earn it this time. When I was a child I had everything handed to me. I was a Princess – spoiled, self-assured, strong but not always kind. I knew I was smarter and stronger and faster and so I lorded it over others – but never challenged my greatest enemy of all: myself. If I get a title again, it will be one that I earn by hard work and sincere repentance of what I have done. My journey is not over yet. Perhaps one day I will gladly kneel at your feet, brother, and listen to what you say, and feel the blunt end of your sword on my shoulder, but today is not that day. When the Twin Suns return to Feyland – when the blood of those slain through my fault ceases to pollute the earth – then and only then will I accept a title from you.”

  Kian looked pensive, but proud. His little sister had become a woman at last. As beautiful and dazzling as she had been as Princess, she was more noble still as a commoner, choosing principle over glory.

  “I understand this choice you make, sister,” he said. “And I commend you for it. I long for the day when I may make you a knight…and I wish with all my heart that it will come quickly.”

  With that they rose, and began to say their goodbyes. One by one the new knights said farewell to Breena and then to Kian. But when it was Logan’s turn to bid farewell to Breena, she took hold of his hand and led him aside, out of earshot of the others.

  But, to her surprise, Rose could still hear them. She could hear their footsteps echoing in her ears, she could feel Breena’s hands on her wrist instead of Logan’s. Rose looked up with shock. Was her ability to communicate with animals, so long dormant, causing her to sense what was happening with the wolf in Logan? As they spoke, Rose could feel Logan’s pain more palpably than ever. She experienced his longing. She felt how much Logan wanted to lean into Breena, to feel her smooth skin beneath his rough fingers, to caress her hair; most of all, to kiss her. He wanted so badly to be with her – he wanted it so badly that it brought tears to Rose's eyes – and each second that he sat beside her was a second of unimaginable torture. And yet it was a torture that he would gladly undergo: for Rose knew that every second he spent without her was torture more painful still.

  Breena was showing Logan the map she had drawn, explaining to him precisely how she had managed to get to the Kingdom of the Dead. “It won’t be easy,” she was saying. “You may run into old enemies – those whom you thought you had killed and who will yet return, trying to trick you. They don’t just use weapons to hurt you: they use their words. They’re clever. They’ll try to convince you that you’re crazy – demonic spirits trying to turn you against those you love; they’ll play on your insecurities – you might hear voices pretending to be people from your life, pretending to be me – but you can’t listen to them, okay? You can’t let them win…”

  There was silence between them. They both knew what the demons would say to Logan in Breena’s voice. Make him believe that he was unworthy of her – torment him with his failure.

  “Logan,” Breena took his hand, her voice dropping down to a mere whisper. “I don’t want you to go away hating me…”

  “I could never hate you,” Logan replied, his eyes shining with unwept tears.

  “I don’t want you to go away thinking that I didn’t love you – or that I loved you any less than Kian. Because that’s not how it was – that wasn’t it at all. I’ve always loved you, too, ever since I was a little girl. But I’m not a little girl anymore, Logan. I had to make my choice. And I know I never wanted to hurt you. If I could be with you, I would. But the bond I have with Kian is…there are some magic that are stronger than anything else…”

  “Your bond with Kian?” Logan’s voice cracked. “We have a bond, Breena. We’ve had a bond for almost eighteen years. I understand you more than he….more than anybody does.”

  “I know,” Breena said, her eyes downcast. She too was crying, and her eyes were glistening as the tears ran down her cheeks. “I know you do,” she said softly. “I don’t doubt that. I never doubted that. I feel it still. But I had to make this decision – I had to choose one of you…and I did. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t care for you. That I don’t…love you. I hope one day…” She choked on the words. “I hope that one day you’ll find what you’re looking for.”

  Her tears were shining and Logan couldn’t stop himself from reaching out to her, gathering her slender frame into his arms. How good it felt to comfort her, to hold her close and smell the smooth jasmine scent of her hair. “I hope so too,” he said. He squeezed her tighter, feeling the warmth of her flesh beneath his touch. “Should have served me right,” he said bitterly, “Thinking that a Wolf like me could get with a Princess – a Queen – like you.”

  “No!” Breena pulled back. “No, don’t think that, Logan – I promise you this, it isn’t that at all. Please know that you did everything right. There is nothing else that you could have done or been…nothing to do with you being a Wolf at all. Believe me, Logan, when I say that you are the strongest, the most courageous, the most honorable and loving and loveable person I’ve ever been lucky enough to know. No matter what, I want you to believe that. I want you to know that to be true. Believe in yourself, Logan. My destiny was my destiny, but you have your own to fulfill. I believe, Logan, that yours is even greater than mine, bigger than you being with me. And you are so good. And you will succeed, Logan, I promise you that. It is destined. You are Feyland’s new champion, and I have faith that you will bring Feyland back to the light. You will lead us out of the darkness.” Her lips lightly brushed his forehead – the softest, saddest kiss she had ever given him. Rose's heart ached for Logan as he closed his eyes, wishing that the moment could last forever.

  “Please, don’t be sad – not any longer. I want you to be happy – so much. How much you’ll never know. And I see so many girls – young women – in love with you, so many girls who dream that you’ll give all your love, all that incredible power I know you have, to them.”

  Rose blushed scarlet. Was Breena talking about her?

  Logan gave a bitter laugh. “You’re just saying that, Bree,” he said.

�m not!” Breena took his hand. “If you weren’t so blinded by your…bias, then you’d see it. Everywhere you go, girls fall straight head over heels for you. All the time. Clariss from Gregory, Josephine’s she-wolves, some of the girls at the Summer Court even when we were engaged, and now… It used to make me jealous – but I have no right to be. At least, not anymore.”

  “Bree…” He couldn’t hold himself back any longer. “It doesn’t have to be this way…you’re not married yet…” He stopped abruptly and bit his lip. “Sorry,” he said hoarsely. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Don’t worry,” said Breena. “We can’t deny it – we will love each other, in some way, for the rest of our lives. No matter what. Friends forever?” She leaned her forehead against his?