The Sex Shrink of Seattle VOL. 3 (Sessions #3) Page 2
“That was interesting,” I said with a smile, rolling over to my side and looking at Charma when I was done fully releasing.
“Very fun,” she said. Laughing.
I couldn’t help but laugh. Fun, that was a lighthearted word for a crazy, intense experience. “That thing you did when you were starting to orgasm was hot.”
“It feels so good. It’s something you should try,” Charma said. She was smiling and at first I thought she was teasing me, but she was quite serious.
“I’m not sure about that,” I said.
“And I thought you were different, an adventurous man,” she said, slowly sticking out her lower lip in a pouty, come hither look.
“Is Bixby into those things?”
“Did he tell you about me?” Charma asked. She wasn’t the least bit bothered by my bold question as we laid there naked and sweating.
“He mentioned it. I’ll admit that I’m dumbfounded on how he could ever let an amazing lover like you go. You’re incredible,” I said. I meant it, too. What type of dumbass would walk away from her, one of the finest pieces of ass he’d ever seen?
“He’s moved on to something else now.”
“Something else, not someone else?” I asked.
Charma wasn’t about to answer my question. Instead, she showed that she was ready for round two and made sure that my cock followed suit. Needless to say, what followed for the next hours was mind blowing and involved some new things that I never thought I’d try.
Thank you Dr. Simon Sessions for putting me onto the tail, um, I mean, trail of this one. Guess even I was learning a thing or two about sex from the good doctor.
Chapter 3
Simon Mark Sessions
My nerves were frayed from the entire Lina situation. I couldn’t get her out of my mind, and I couldn’t stop worrying about Session Enterprises, which had become a victim to the wrath of Ralph Bixby. It wasn’t my fault he was an insecure, jealous prick, after all, who’d use sex as a means to control his fiancé. Is that what that was? Refusing to have sex with her until she was married to him? As for Lina, if there was something between us—which I believed there was—that was just a destiny that could not be avoided. I sure didn’t choose it. In fact, I was considerably more at ease with not being so responsive to her. Such was not the case, though. Whatever hold she had over me was obvious, and I didn’t feel like running away from it. Quite the opposite, actually.
I waited as patiently as I possibly could in my father’s reception area for him to get off the conference call he was on. I was hesitant about the conversation we’d be having, not sure what he all knew or speculated in regards to Lina and me. From the tone of his voice when he called, I could tell that it was urgent. One thing that I knew for certain was that my father didn’t become such a successful business man by not being cunning and crafty. He didn’t take things lying down, either, and I sensed that Ralph Bixby was going to find out that he’d picked the wrong family to mess with.
“Your father just messaged. He’ll be done in about five minutes, Simon,” his receptionist Rita said to me.
“Okay, Rita, thanks,” I said, smiling at her.
“You’re welcome. You know, you remind me more of your father every day,” she told me.
I didn’t know how to respond to that comment. My father was an attractive enough man, I supposed, but he had a slight paunch on the front of him and was slightly balding. My uncertainty must have shown through. “You get this certain intensity in your eyes when a lot is going on,” she added.
“I can see that,” I said, smiling at her. Our eyes met briefly, and I saw a familiar look of feminine lust in her eyes, but Rita only saw the annoyance in mine. If I wasn’t thinking about Bixby or Lina, I’d hook up with Rita for the night. She was an attractive woman in her early 30s, who had a voluptuous figure that reminded me of women in the Marilyn Monroe days…all big boobs and hips. I was tired of seeing too thin and bony young women who didn’t have much to hang onto especially during sex.
This entire Bixby situation was all consuming, and if I was going to be consumed by something, I wanted it to be something pleasant. The touch of a sexy woman, a great blow job, an intense workout, that kind of thing. Bixby just made me tense, and irritated. There were no benefits in it.
My dad showed his head around the corner from his office. “Simon, come back,” he said. He was wearing his stress on his face, and his jaw line was squared.
Neither of us was the type of person to beat around the bush so I got right to it. “What’s going on?”
“This Bixby thing is out of control,” Dad said, looking at me. “I need all the insight you have on this situation so I know how to get a grasp on it, and come up with a plan. I can’t stand idly by while he sabotages everything with Session Enterprises, as well as the Tannenbaum deal.”
I nodded my head. Here we go. “It seems to be stemming from a fit of jealousy that Ralph Bixby has.”
“Jealousy? What do you mean, Simon?”
“He thinks that his fiancé and I, well, slept together.”
“You didn’t, did you?” My father asked me a legitimate question. I would have slept with Lina if she hadn’t stopped what we’d started.
“No, I didn’t. He mistook her wearing my clothes home,” I said. “He’d surprised her there,” I added.
“Why was she wearing your clothes home, Simon? Surely you know that does not look well. It leaves too much speculation.”
“We had gone on an outing down at the market, and it started to rain. I just didn’t want her to go home in soaking wet clothes. We were even shopping for him,” I said.
“You were shopping for Ralph Bixby with his fiancé?”
“I was. It was a fish, no big deal. Completely innocent. The next thing I learned is that Ralph didn’t trust Lina and threatened her, saying something about learning not to mess around with her. He’s clearly an arrogant jerk, and doesn’t realize that there is no family smarter or craftier than the Session family,” I said.
“Don’t underestimate Ralph Bixby just because you don’t care for him, Simon. His family’s wealth is built on hostile takeovers, and he has a team that knows the right people to bribe, or the way to force their cooperation. The grandfather was a snake, and Ralph is even worse, they say.”
“You’re not really worried about him, are you?”
“I’m grateful to have trusted members on my boards, and solid friendships in the business world. I’ve already received word that steps are being taken to kick me out of what I’ve grown, and likewise with Tannenbaum.”
I was shocked. Bixby was that powerful? I had a hard time associating the man I met with that type of power. He was a snake in a silk suit. “What can I do to help?” I asked.
“Find a way to explain to him that whatever he thinks happened with you and Lina, didn’t. Let him know it was a misunderstanding, and become friends with him. Do whatever you have to do.”
“Keep your enemies close,” I said softly.
“Think of it however you’d like, Simon, just do it,” my father said. Then he looked over at the grandfather clock in the corner of his office and said, “I have an appointment. We’re done.”
I left, not liking the feeling of being dismissed. It didn’t settle well with me, and although I dismissed people regularly, it was problematic for me when it happened to me. I always wanted to be in charge, and was only content when people were doing as I expected them to do, not the other way around. Still, my father did have a point, and I knew that it was my lust for Lina that led to the current situation. There was still one main problem: could I stay clear of Lina?
I turned to Rita on my way out and handed her my phone number. “Free tonight?” I asked.
She smiled a big wide smile and nodded “yes”.
“Good,” I said. “Looking forward to it.”
If I can’t have Lina, and I needed to stop thinking of her, there were always other ways around my frustration.
sp; Chapter 4
I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage smoothing over this entire situation. It was hard because I really did not want to, yet I knew that I would never dishonor my father by not attempting it. That’s why when I got the call from Lina the next morning, I was quick to go and meet with her. I’d do anything to see her again, and get a sense for what she was feeling toward me.
Although Rita and I spent all night fucking in every position imaginable, I still couldn’t get Lina out of my head. Rita was delicious and someone who would make my list of goto sex when I have the urge, but she wasn’t Lina.
The coffee shop that Lina wanted to meet at was one that I had never heard of before. I had no idea how she found it, but it seemed that she must have worked hard to make sure it was a place that her prying fiancé would never discover. And she’d turned down coming to my office, seeming to want me in public. It was disappointing.
“Lina, hi,” I said, walking up behind her. I wanted to wrap my arms around her from behind and pull her in tight, smelling her beautiful hair at the same time.
She turned around and said, “Hi Simon. You found it okay?”
“It was easy enough. I don’t get over to this side of town too much,” I said.
“Me either, not anymore, anyway.”
“I’m glad that you called, Lina. I’ve wanted to see you so badly.”
She looked at me and I sensed how uncomfortable she was in my presence. It was unsettling to her, but was it because she was trying to restrain herself, or because she was not interested? “Thanks for coming over here. I know you’re busy.”
“Part of my busy schedule has to do with you, well, actually Ralph.”
“He’s trying to cause some problems. Apparently he’s quite serious about that threat to remind all of us who he is.”
She shook her head, not surprised by the words. “That’s why I really need you to talk with him and smooth things over. If you could explain that nothing happened…” She stopped talking, words suddenly failing her.
I stared at Lina, her full soft lips and wanted to kiss her so badly and tenderly strip her out of that t-shirt and her jeans, but I felt how hard she was trying to keep her distance from me. Perhaps that day had really been a mistake, and had meant nothing at all. “You still want to be with Ralph after the way he treated you?”
“He was just hurt, and I feel horrible about everything,” Lina said. As she said the words, her eyes slowly averted my gaze. She was not being truthful. “I just want him to hear it from you. I think that’s important. He’s envious of you for some reason, although I am not certain why.”
Seriously? Ralph Bixby should be envious of me. I got women to want my company without coercing them, or holding something over their heads. I had the ability to target any person I wanted, and make them feel like they were the only individual in my life. That was definitely not a skill that he possessed.
Then a thought occurred to me. Perhaps Lina didn’t know what a conniver Ralph was. If that was the case, it was up to me to save her from making a huge mistake. I had to plant a seed of doubt in her head.
“I’ll try, if you want me to,” I began, “however, I am not certain that he’ll stop trying to take over your stepfather’s businesses, or Session Enterprises, either.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, it seems that Ralph has some ambitious goals,” I offered.
“Do you think he’s doing all of that because of the misunderstanding?” Lina asked me.
“I couldn’t say for certain. Perhaps it was a part of his business plan all along; many businessmen have two sides—their professional one, and then there’s the personal side, which can be quite different.”
“Kind of like you,” Lina said.
I didn’t like the comment, and I didn’t agree with it. “I’m actually quite the same, regardless.”
“It doesn’t seem that way to me. You’re much more down to earth in person than you are when you are being the celebrity sex guru.”
“I can honestly say that no one has ever called me down to earth before, not that I’m aware of,” I said.
“Maybe you have to give more people a chance to know the side of you that isn’t focused on sex,” Lina offered.
I loved the side of me that was focused on sex. That was familiar, and comfortable. This friendship, and wanting someone I couldn’t have thing, was horrible. I changed tides. “You must really love Ralph to go through all these elaborate measures.”
Lina looked at me, assessing if I was being genuine, and didn’t answer right away. Her lips slightly parted and she breathed in softly, holding her breath.
“It’s a simple question,” I commented.
“Nothing is simple, Simon, but yes, I love him,” she said to me.
Her words disheartened me. Was I becoming so attached to Lina that I couldn’t tell a line of bullshit from the truth anymore? I wanted so desperately to believe that she had an angle with Ralph, and that she didn’t love him. This was dangerous territory, and I didn’t want to be played for a fool, or play myself for one.
“Can I ask you a question, Lina?”
She looked at me, evaluating if she should give permission. “So long as it isn’t about what happened the other day. That was a mistake, and it was wrong of me to allow it to happen. I’m very sorry about it.”
“You don’t have to be sorry to me, Lina.” That was all I said as an answer because I did want to ask her if it meant more than what she was trying to tell me. Clearly, it wasn’t the right time to be so proactive vocally. If she would just let me kiss her again…then I would definitely know.
“Thanks, you’re a good man, Simon.”
“Not the man in the play?” I asked, wanting to change the tide.
“No, not completely,” she said to me, smiling back. I loved that snappy part of her personality. It was too bad that her lighthearted attitude seemed to be forced. One thing I knew plenty about was the various ways that women dealt with misery, or sadness. She was not as great emotionally as she was trying to make herself sound.
“Well, I’d better get going, Simon. Thanks so much for coming down here to meet me. And, in advance, thank you for agreeing to talk with Ralph. I think it’ll make a real difference.”
“You’re welcome. I just want you to be happy, and to not have any businesses suffer due to a misinterpretation,” I replied.
“I appreciate that,” Lina said. She got up and I did, too.
Suddenly, taking a step forward, Lina’s body was flying toward me and I responded quickly, holding my arms out and stopping her slight frame from falling down in the coffee shop. There we were, frozen in place, and me holding onto her tightly. I felt a charge travel through me, and from the slight jolt that her body had, I knew she felt it, too. Her words may be denying what happened, but her body did physically respond to me, and it was being honest. There was something there.
“You okay?” I asked, not able to see her face.
She didn’t answer. Instead, she planted her head into my shoulder and pressed against me. Her breathing was heavy and I wasn’t sure if she was crying, or just decompressing. I wrapped my arms around her and softly stroked her hair, wanting to comfort her. It must have been a minute of silence, just standing there in the middle of the coffee shop, hugging her and offering her what comfort I could.
Then she pulled away, and it felt like she yanked the lifeline between us out from inside of me. “Thanks, Simon. It’s been a rough week. I just needed a hug.” Then she walked away, moving quickly and not daring to look back. I knew because I watched her the entire way.
I remained standing there, processing everything. I’d help Lina because she asked, but more than ever, I was convinced that Ralph Bixby didn’t deserve her, and that she didn’t really want him. Did she want me? I had to find out without jeopardizing Session Enterprises any further.
Chapter 5
Having to meet with Bixby was interesting
for me. If it wasn’t for my father wanting me to play nice and become “friends” with him, I would be pummeting anything but friendly towards him. If it wasn’t for Lina wanting me to meet him and explain to him what really happened, I would be using him as my punching bag. I wanted to try and figure him out a bit better, find his weaknesses. However, I did not like him and didn’t feel very confident that I’d be able to hide it. If he was as ruthless as what my father had said, he was probably good at reading people. That meant that I needed to enter into the arena with the upper hand. Ralph Bixby was not all he seemed. In fact, he was probably a lot more dangerous than we suspected.